Hair Removal
If you struggle with removing unwanted hair, you’re not alone. Many find it difficult to keep up with the time-consuming, ineffective hair removal treatments. We at Skin Laser Centre believe that hair removal doesn’t need to be so challenging. Our expert team lead by Dr. Munish Paul has performed over thousand hair removal treatments so far.
Hair removal, also known as epilation or depilation, is the deliberate removal of body hair. We have two types of hair on our body. Vellus hair is soft, fine, and short. Most women have vellus hair on their chest, back, and face. Terminal hair is coarser, darker, and longer than vellus hair. It’s the type of hair that grows on your head. On guys, terminal hair begins to grow on the face and other parts of the body such as the chest, legs, and back.
Hair Removal Treatment At SLC
At SkinLaserCentre, a complete and detailed history is obtained to rule out associated illness. This includes history of any photosensitizing drugs, keloid and hypertrophic scars, history of recent sun exposure and tanning and occupations involving prolonged exposure to sun.
Female patients are evaluated properly to rule out the underlying cause for hirsutism. If necessary, a gynecologist’s / endocrinologist’s opinion is sought. While no investigations may be necessary in most patients, specific tests such as complete blood counts, fasting blood sugars, urine analysis, serum LH, FSH, prolactin, DHEAS, free testosterone and USG-whole abdomen (PCOD) etc may be evaluated in consultation with the gynecologist or endocrinologist in selected patients.
Pre Procedure Work-Up
- The patient is instructed not to use bleaching, plucking, thermolysis or electrolysis or waxing in treatment areas once he/she decides to start with the Laser hair reduction treatment.
- The patient should avoid sunbathing, swimming in sea water and other activities which might produce tanning of treatment areas.
- Patient should avoid any over the counter (OTC) products / herbal remedies / homeopathic medicines etc.
Laser Hair Removal Procedure
- Hair should be trimmed with a electrical trimmer or the patient can shave the area a day earlier (at the time of treatment, hair length should not be more than 1-5 mm)
- The area to be treated should be properly cleaned with soap/detergent and it should be free from make-up.
- Local anesthesia is rarely required; however, in a nervous patient and in patients with poor pain tolerance (low pain threshold),, a topical anesthetic such as Prilox® is recommended 30-90 minutes before the actual procedure
- Standard precautionary measures observed for all devices:
- Eyes of the patient are wrapped with white gauze pieces or covered with eye protective devices such as goggles (as specified in the Laser manufacturer’s manual).
- The treating doctor and assistant should use the goggles provided by the manufacturer.
- The treatment area should not be covered by metallic objects such as chains etc
- Cosmetic chairs made of washable material and without any visible metallic surface, which may reflect light-Laser beams accidentally, should be used.
- An emergency hazard switch should be used-provided in all systems for immediate shut-off of systems in case of accidents.
- Each patient needs individualized parameters
- The hand piece of the system should be placed perpendicularly to the skin surface (gently but to press sufficiently to displace blood from capillaries and to bring the hair follicle nearer to the aiming source).
- All areas may be treated in one sitting.
- After the entire procedure is complete, cryogen spray or chilled Eau Thermal water or ice packs are used.
- Proper sunscreen block or Lotion is applied.
Post Procedure Work
- Analgesics are not usually needed. but paracetamol and other pain-reducing agents may be prescribed for three days.
- Sunscreen lotion s is prescribed along with detailed instructions on how to use it.
- Immediate and continuous sun exposure as well as working under halogen lights is to be avoided.
- In case of any persistent pain-blisters or vesicles in the treated areas, the patient is asked to report for proper management.

Hair Removal Treatment Facts
- Laser Hair removal is not permanent
- Most patients need 6 sittings initially
- Interval between sessions is 6-8 weeks
- Maintenance sessions are required once in 2-4 months depending on hormone status
- Patient will need management of hormones
- Weight reduction is essential in obese patients
- Laser works well for thick and black hair
- No effect on white hair
- Average or mixed response in fine hair
- Laser hair removal is not 100%
- Fine hair persists after laser
Hair Removal FAQ’s
Consider these reasons:
No Need for Secrets
Gone are the days when women suffered in secret from excess hair, laser hair removal have also made it common knowledge that many people suffer from unsightly hair that affects their self-image.
Ideal for Many Body Parts
Laser hair removal isn’t just for upper lips and other parts of the face, also to correct a hair line, reduce the amount of men and women’s unwanted body hair from your head to your toes!
Safe and Successful
Today’s technology makes laser hair removal successful for permanent hair reduction. Lasers can target hair with pigment yet avoid damage to any surrounding skin. An energy pulse the size of a dime treats many hairs simultaneously in less than a second. Treatments end annoying and repeated plucking, tweezing, waxing, or shaving.
Quick and Easy
How easy is it, really? Treatment for small areas like the upper lip can take less than a minute. Large areas like the back can take an hour. In one session, as many as a third of the hairs treated are removed permanently. Clients will need between 4-8 treatments and touch-ups periodically as needed.
Laser hair removal treatment includes a laser that will emit heat energy, absorbs the light penetrates deep down the root of each hair strand and damages the follicle. Effective for most skin tones and hair types, this damaged follicle will not be able to produce any further hair for a long time, sometimes never.
The treatment is relatively safe, and there is minimum disruption on the skin surface. The procedure works best on people with dark hair and light skin. It does not work on hair that is gray, white, light red, light brown or blonde. Several treatments and sessions may be needed for long-term benefits and permanent hair removal.
Our skin is not adversely affected by the treatment because our skin cools down more quickly than the hair follicles. The treatment ends with the application of creams to cool down the skin and minimise the risk.
Hair removal treatments on face and under the arms are normally completed in about 15 minutes. The other area of the body will need at least one hour to complete the procedure
With the right machine and sufficient experience, you will not experience any damage to your skin. All the possibilities are short term reactions such as a redness and follicular edema (which is a temporary swelling of the hair root sac with a similar overall appearance as goosebumps). These may take a few minutes to several hours to fade away. Most people can get treated during their lunch time and there will be no visible indications of a treatment when they return to their office.
A patient might feel itchiness, tingling and see redness or a little swelling at the laser-red site for a couple of days, can cause hyper-pigmentation and hypo-pigmentation. However side effects like scab formation, bruising or temporary pigment change are rarely seen. If the incorrect laser type or setting was used, then these side effects could develop.
Laser Hair removal is not permanent. It's long term hair reduction there is a reduction in the total number of hair and in the thickness of hair most hair left behind is fine and not so visible at social distance. Patient will need maintenance laser sessions as per their hormonal issues.
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