The Pixel® CO2 system is the perfect system for any practice looking to offer fractionated CO2 laser treatments. The Pixel CO2 laser is an effective procedure for the treatment of coarse wrinkles, fine lines, brown age spots, acne or traumatic scars, and other skin surfaces.
Pixel CO2 is a carbon dioxide laser that incorporates the best technology able to generate very short pulses with which it is possible to treat even large areas with a single and easy to use system.
Treatment options for Acne Scars Overview
The fractional CO2 laser takes the CO2 laser beam and fractionates, or pixellates that beam into thousands of tiny little shafts of light. These tiny shafts of light penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. The skin then repairs those tiny shafts by pushing out the old sun damaged skin and replacing it with new skin. The “collateral” heat damage also helps to shrink existing collagen.Can I do the fractional CO2 laser with other cosmetic treatments?
Not the same day generally. The CO2 laser is compatible long term with Juvederm, Restylane, Sculptra and other laser based technologies like hair removal, Fraxel Restore, IPL, pulsed dye, etc.
How are fractional CO2 laser treatments performed?
This is a prototype treatment for our office. Other offices will be different so be sure to ask and not just assume it’s the same! You need to arrive 1 ½ hours before your treatment. You or a technician will cleanse the treatment area and then apply a numbing cream to the area to be treated. We also have our patients take the anti-inflammatory Toradal, which helps to reduce the discomfort. Then you just relax, read, and listen to music, while the numbing cream takes effect.
After you numb for about an hour, the numbing gel will be removed. The treatment takes about an hour for a full face and feels a little like a “pins and needles” sensation. A strong stream of cold air (a Zimmer cooler) is blown on the area during the treatment to make it comfortable. The discomfort ranges from mild to moderate (2-4/10). Plan on being in the office for 2 ½ hours total.
Most people drive to and from their own fractional CO2 laser appointments. Offices vary in this. Some offices will use mild narcotics or anti-anxiety drugs which do require some else to drive after the treatment.
How does this laser work for acne scars and other scars?
CO2 lasers have always been very effective for acne and other scars and the fractional CO2 is no exception. It remains to be seen if it is as effective as the traditional CO2. However, as the settings for the “DOT” or “Deep Fx” for both acne, surgical and traumatic scars keep being improved, many of us think that results will be as good without many of the risks with the older forms of this laser. Go to an expert if scars are your issue.
We like to say, you ‘turn the clock back’ with this type of procedure, but the clock keeps ticking! Most people complete a series monthly treatments and then return for a maintenance treatment once or twice a year.
It is imperative that the area being treated is not tan the day of the procedure. Other areas on the body can be tan but not the treatment site. Afterwards, it is important to protect your skin from the sun using a sunscreen daily. You should use a sensitive skin cleanser and moisturizer for about a week, then you can resume you normal skin care routine.
Most patients experience a few days of redness and possible pinpoint bruising after the IPL procedure. Some brown spots may appear darker for a few days, then peel off. You can apply makeup immediately after IPL treatment if necessary.
In general patients have a series of three to six treatments, approximately one month apart.
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